Mr. Sita Ram Luitel completed his M.A. in Sociology from Sagarmatha College, Purbanchal University Kathmandu.

Currently he is working with World Education Inc as a Program Manager for the Building Better Futures Program. Over 20 year’s professional experience in development of programs with a special technical focus on improving sustainable agriculture and livelihood development. He is one of the leading member in developing the “discovery learning” Farmer Field School approach to enable farmers to increase productivity while reducing negative impacts on the environment through both NGOs and government programs. As a manager of the Building Better Futures Program he is building strategies and approaches to assist marginal farmers forced by debt bondage to spend six months each year in brick factories in exploitative labor. By increasing the agricultural productivity of the farmers this work is breaking this vicious cycle increasing both farmer’s incomes and Nepal’s food security.  Prior to this previous project he worked for World Education in Nepal’s most remote and food insecure communities with the World Food Program to increase food production and food security.

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