Department of Social Welfare and Interdisciplinary Studies
Coordinaror :
Members :
Ganga bahadur Thapa
Keshav Raj Panthi, Chola Kanta(CK) Khanal
The Department of Social Welfare and Interdisciplinary Studies fins as a home for many of the Multidisciplinary study in ACAIED Nepal. This department is comprehensive for conducting research for necessary policy debates, advocacy and research inputs for social welfare through the innovative concept that ensure social welfare of the people. Economic empowerment is central to this department because of this people’s ability to overcome poverty, cope with problems and improve their well-being.
This department always raises’ its’ voice against the social evils and suggests for policy reform through intensive research. With the emerging now era of 21st century, the society becomes more complex and it leads complexity and global challenges such as gender discrimination, regional disparity, consumer’s right, cooperate governance, energy crises, climate change, global inequalities. To tackle and address such major issues of the modern society the department of social welfare and interdisciplinary conducts research and help to the government by holistic vision. By realizing the necessity of the contemporary issues the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies has been established as a new department to realize research and teaching that integrates the traditional arts and the modern sciences.
Roles and Scope of DSWIS are as follows
- Support government as well as the NGOs for formulating social welfare policies.
- Collaboration with central government, local government, NGOs and INGOs for conducting research works on contemporary Issues.
- Promote awareness campaign to empower the society to tackle the major issues of people daily life.
- Focus on economic empowerment by maintaining the 21st century social complexity.
- Conduct broad based research that ensure organization’s holistic vision and support to government for policy formulation.
- Its special focus is to empower women, children and senior citizens, especially those who are economically disadvantaged & socially backward.
- To sprit its new vision further, new interdisciplinary courses have been established to replace previous fields of study